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Chateau Abelyce 2018-編號FR523G

Chateau Abelyce 2018-編號FR523G

✨溫馨提示: 訂單結帳時請確保以會員身份登入,系統才會自動計算積分及提供可享的會員優惠~

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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{ title.name_translations | translateModel }} : {{variationName[$index] | translateModel}}

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【莊園佔地僅6英畝,重質不重量的Saint-Emilion Grand Cru】
🏰Chateau Abelyce 2018
🗺Saint-Emilion Grand Cru  編號: FR523
🍷酒精: 14.5%  葡萄樹齡平均45年
🍇葡萄品種: 70% Merlot, 20% Cabernet Franc, 10% Cabernet Sauvignon
🏅International Wine Review scored this 93 points saying "The 2018 Chateau Abelyce Saint-Emilion Grand Cru is a sensational showing from Amelie Aubert. Composed of 100% Merlot, this wine seems to be more impressive with each vintage, and the 2018 is the most impressive yet. This opens to fantastic aromatics of ripe black cherries and cassis, along with fresh violets, loam, minerals, dark chocolate and spices all emerging from the glass. On the palate, this possesses remarkable overall balance with a gorgeous polished frame that ends with a long finish. The 2018 is fantastic today, yet it also displays wonderful aging potential. This should provide at least a decade of drinking pleasure ahead.”
🏅James Suckling 92 pts / 🏅Wine Enthusiast 90 pts-Showing plenty of the power of this vintage, the wine also has vibrant blackberry fruits and layers of wood aging. It is a smoky, concentrated wine that has good potential.
💥一套3支優惠價: $408 (平均$136支)
(單支價: $161支),😱市面價:$260支

📝實試筆記: 深邃石榴紅酒色。撲鼻醋栗、黑莓、車厘子的漿果濃香,結合多層次的雪咖盒、榛子、黑朱古力和微量的雲尼拿、香料、石墨氣息。口感豐富優雅,單寧細緻柔順,餘韻醇和舒服,是一款現在品嚐或繼續陳年佳宜的高質波爾多右岸葡萄酒。

Chateau Abelyce隸屬於創始自1750年的古老釀酒家族Alain Aubert產業。早期Alain Aubert家族在Saint-Emilion擁有150公頃的龐大葡萄酒莊園,後來Alain Aubert與同產區的另一名門望族的女兒Bernadette Faure聯姻,Bernadette Faure的父親曾擔任Saint-Emilion市長一職長達40餘年,而且擁有非常優秀的葡萄莊園。兩大望族聯姻之後,Alain Aubert家族掌控的葡萄園面積擴大至250多公頃,當中包括多個著名的酒莊,包括Domaines Alain Aubert、Chateau de Macard、Chateau de Ribebon、Chateau Haut-Gravet和今次介紹的Chateau Abelyce等等。龐大的葡萄酒產業目前交由三位女兒共同打理,當中次女Amelie Aubert是整個集團的釀酒師,釀造手藝非常出色,一直以來為家族旗下酒莊囊括眾多國際獎項及深得多位葡萄酒評家高分讚賞。


🛒訂購單位任選6支免費送貨🚛 (離島除外)
" Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."



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