【女皇級酒評家Jancis Robinson讚賞酒莊佳釀極具性價比】
🏰Chateau La Fleur Peyrabon 2016
🗺Pauillac Cru Bourgeois 編號: FR350
🍷酒精: 13.5%
🍇葡萄品種: 67% Cabernet Sauvignon, 26% Merlot, 7% Petit Verdot
🏅 Wine Enthusiast 93 pts / 🏅 Robert Parker 90-92 pts / 🏅 Decanter 90 pts / 🏅 VIVINO 4.0 - 397 ratings / 🏅 Jancis Robinson 17/20 / 🏅 Vinous 89 pts
💥特惠價: $228支,買12支附原裝木箱🤩
(單支價: $253支),😱市面價$348/支
📝實試筆記: 深邃如墨水般的紅寶石酒色。多汁的黑莓、黑加侖子、黑櫻桃果香帶出一絲迷人玫瑰花香,底增滲透出優雅黑胡椒、雲尼拿、橡木桶和拖肥的韻味。入口單寧圓潤柔滑,微妙的土壤礦物韻味,襯托出烏梅、藍莓、紅茶、咖啡的複雜層次味道,尾韻在口腔舌尖上彌留著一絲薄荷甘草的微涼感,令你倍添回味。呢支Chateau La Fleur Peyrabon 2016香氣和味道都完美融合,並適合慢慢細意品嚐,是一支質素媲美列級酒莊的優雅酒款,你又怎能錯過!
位於波爾多名星Pauillac產區的貝波之花酒莊Chateau La Fleur Peyrabon。城堡始建於1766年,阿諾-胡斯先生Arnaud Roux在1865年購得城堡後,成功將葡萄酒質素和聲譽大大提升,其價格及酒質甚至可與列級酒莊比肩,並且得到眾多的愛好者熱烈追捧。直至1998年,現任莊主帕特里克-伯納德先生Patrick Bernard,即現代著名酒業公司Millesima創始人將城堡收歸旗下,並投入大量資金作重大翻新和擴建,致力使酒莊邁向更輝煌的一頁。在2005年的一次巴黎品酒會上,Chateau La Fleur Peyrabon排名僅次於一級酒莊拉菲Chateau Lafite-Rothschild和木桐Chateau Mouton Rothschild之後,可見質素媲美列級酒莊。
佩雷恩城堡Chateau Peyrabon佔地57公頃,當中最優質的7公頃便位於一級酒莊重鎮,Pauillac產區的貝波之花酒莊Chateau La Fleur Peyrabon。當葡萄達至理想狀態時,會使用全人手採收,之後在有溫控功能的水泥發酵罐中發酵,在50%的新法國橡木桶中熟化,歷經14個月陳釀後裝瓶。
🏅 Wine Enthusiast 93pts: This wine comes from a 17-acre portion of the Peyrabon estate that is in Pauillac. Bottled separately, it has a high proportion of Cabernet Sauvignon that gives great richness as well as structure. This rich, ageworthy wine will likely be ready to drink from 2023.
🏅 Decanter 90pts: This is pretty closed down. Feel the weight and the swagger of the tannins, it's a good wine but more foursquare and old school than many Pauillacs who have worked their tannins a little more silkily this year. But I like the traditional side to it - a Pauillac lovers' Pauillac, and a value pick at this wine's usual price point.
🛒訂購單位一套3支,6支一箱免費送貨🚛 (離島除外)
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