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Chateau La Galiane 2016-編號FR474

Chateau La Galiane 2016-編號FR474

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Sale HK$72.00

Sale HK$210.00

加$246換購意大利低酒精氣泡酒Rustichetto Bianco-編號IM62一箱6支(平均$41支)
Sale HK$246.00

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🏰Chateau La Galiane 2016
🗺Margaux  編號: FR474
🍷酒精: 13.5%  
🍇葡萄品種: 50% Cabernet Sauvignon, 45% Merlot, 5% Petit Verdot
🏅Wine Enthusiast 93pts-This wine has intensity as well as rich fruitiness. It comes from a small unclassified property in Margaux, sharing many of the elegant, perfumed characteristics of better-known estates. Black-currant flavors abound, along with ripe tannins. 
💥會員超筍3支優惠價: $189支
(單支價: $214支),😱市面價$328/支

📝實試筆記: 優雅的灌木叢木質芳香,加上李子、黑加侖子、黑櫻桃果香和椰絲、甘草、可可豆及一點菸葉氣息,香氣融和自然。入口單寧幼細精緻,酸度結構平衡。細膩的李子、醋栗、櫻桃果味,以高貴紅茶風味作襯托,是一支做工纖細的精緻瑪歌酒款,建議透氣45分鐘後細意品嚐。

Chateau La Galiane位於名星產區瑪歌中心位置的Soussans公社內,莊園佔地面積僅5公頃,但在區內多數優質園地被名莊或大集團不斷高價收購的情況下,莊主仍然堅持釀造葡萄酒的熱情與對傳統風土的尊重,實屬難能可貴。
在造酒方面,酒莊致力保持傳統及嚴格控制質量。種植時葡萄藤下土堆以手工壓平、人手疏葉、除芽及去除不完美果串,從不使用除虫劑,僅在需要時添加適量有機肥。手工採收後會經過2次(有時甚至3次)嚴格篩選,確保只以完美葡萄果實造酒,葡萄經過三週浸積、發酵等工序及調配後,再注入30%新橡木桶中陳熟12個月,裝瓶前僅以蛋清過濾,以最大限度保留水果香氣與顏色。所以Chateau La Galiane是一款做工精細、充滿傳統風味的瑪歌美酒,亦由於此酒產量細、少外銷,所以未被過份炒作,就如一顆未被發掘的紅寶石一樣,各位葡萄酒友必定要趁這機會一試喇。

📱📲 Whatsapp91708127專人落單FR474: https://wa.link/jatix6


🛒訂購單位任選6支免費送貨🚛 (離島除外)
" Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."

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