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Haut-Batailley Verso 2018-編號FR473G

Haut-Batailley Verso 2018-編號FR473G

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✨Haut-Batailley Verso 2018
🗺Pauillac  編號FR473
🍇葡萄品種: 82% Cabernet Sauvignon, 18% Merlot
🍷酒精: 14.5%
🏅James Suckling 92pts / 🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92 pts / 🏅Decanter 90 pts / 🏅Vinous 90 pts / 🏅Vivino 4.0 
💥一套3支優惠價: $585 (平均$195支)
(單支價: $220支),😱市面價:$310/支 

📝品酒筆記: 艷麗深邃的紅寶石酒色。撲鼻玫瑰花香中透露醋栗、黑莓等深色水果香氣,揉合奶油、煙草、雪茄盒、皮革及絲絲礦物氣息。口感飽滿柔順,單寧細緻緊密。華麗多汁的莓果味道,帶著咖啡、木質與一點土壤風味,餘韻典雅悠長。現在品嚐或繼續陳存佳宜。

Chateau Haut-Batailley位於法國波爾多的列級莊重鎮Pauillac產區內。1855年,列級酒莊評級之中評定為五級酒莊。酒莊毗鄰正是有親戚關係、同是五級酒莊的Chateau Batailley。其實自中世紀以來,兩家莊便一直休戚相關。1866年,來自巴黎的銀行家哈普漢先生(Constant Halphen)收購了酒莊。在這位顯赫有名的銀行家管理下,酒莊名氣得到大大提高。至1932年,哈普漢先生逝世,酒莊轉到佛朗索瓦(Francois)與馬修(Marcel Bone)兩兄弟手中。1942年,兩兄弟為了避免不必要糾紛,決定將酒莊分成兩部分。包括城堡在內較大部分的,保留原名Chateau Batailley為馬修(Marcel Bone)所有,而佛朗索瓦(Francois)則擁有面積較少的一部分,並於同年買下了二級莊寶嘉龍酒莊(Ducru-Beaucaillou),並且在1951年從四級莊(Duhart-Milon)買入了一些葡萄園來擴大酒莊,於是便成為了今天的Chateau Haut-Batilley。
2017年,Chateau Haut-Batilley轉由人氣高企五級莊Lynch-Bage(靚次伯酒莊)的卡茲家族負責經營,同年他們亦為酒莊推出這第一支副牌酒款,首次推出旋即獲得著名葡萄酒大神Robert Parker的90分高分讚賞。今次呢支2018年份更為優秀,於名產區、五級莊和高分加持下,呢支副牌大家絕點可以唔試呀?
🏅James Suckling 91-92 pts-Some dark-berry and mineral character with stones as well. Medium body, firm and silky tannins and a fresh and clean finish. Shows structure and style. Second wine of Haut-Batailley.
🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92 pts-First created in 2017, the Château Haut-Batailley Verso is the new second wine of this estate, which is now run by the talented team at Lynch-Bages. The 2018 Château Haut-Batailley Verso has a complex, nuanced, approachable style with classic Pauillac dark fruits, tobacco, lead pencil, and earthy aromas and flavors. Gorgeously fruited, succulent, and seamless, it nevertheless has the balance, structure, and purity to keep for 20 years or more. 
🏅Decanter 90 pts-A little austere and closed right now, not giving much, but there are plenty of firm tannins and well-defined blackberry fruits, held in place by a tannic frame that has Pauillac character. Feels subdued but with potential. Drinking Window 2024 - 2036 
🏅Vinous 90 pts-The 2018 Verso is laced with copious blue/black fruits, spice, new leather, smoke and lavender. Élevage has softened some of the angular contours that were present en primeur. Overall, though, Verso remains a bit on the burly side. I would prefer to drink it over the next decade or so. -- Antonio Galloni 


🛒訂購單位任選6支免費送貨🚛 (離島除外)
" Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."

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